martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

My future job

Resultado de imagen de ONG

I don't really have a life plan where my main goal is to work in a determinate job. I actually haven't figured out exactly what kind of job I want because this is my first year as a sociology student. This career has multiple areas where I can specialize and I don't think I can decide until I'm on my 3rd year. I'm majoring in sociology because is a career that makes us thinks critically. It gives you the opportunity to observe and understand in a better way our society and this way being able to make a contribution to improve it (ideally).
Despite not having figured my ideal job out, I have some jobs in mind that seem interesting but I really don't know for sure what task I'd have to do. A ONG seems very attractive to me, the idea of making studies to diagnose communities’ weaknesses and coming up with plans to make better conditions for a those is very appealing. Another idea, similar the previous is to work for the ONU or some public institution.

I’m aware that this kind of jobs demand to work in an office and even though I wouldn't really like to have to work constantly at the same place, but I'd do it anyway if I had to. I'd rather have different kinds of part time jobs may be, or work as a consultant for different organizations. Now, of course I definitely wouldn’t stay at the same job for my whole life, I would frequently look for different challenging jobs I could change to and see how it goes.

martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

Election day

I have never voted before because I was too young, but now I'm finally able to vote. Besides this being my first election where I can vote, this is also going to be the first time that I'm going to precinct monitor. I don’t really know what to expect, but I just hope I’m not the only one to get there.
Yes, I am going to vote in the next election because I think it's one of our responsibilities and it is one of the most powerful ways of making change.I know it must sound naive and I know Chile is having a political crisis when it comes to electoral participation. I also think that most of the candidates are all the same and have almost no real power in the face of economic power. But I believe that at least we must show that we care for our future, and we don't really need to actually vote for someone, you can go  and vote for no one as a sign of protest.
Living that aside, I think electoral campaigns should be more equal for each one of the contestants whether they are or not a part of a political party. Another thing that bothers me is that they put too much advertising, unnecessary advertising. This doesn't help to take care of the environment and neither helps to their campaigns.
I think that the person who runs for a public position must be aware of the needs of the people that person is representing. Also, I believe they don't have to make too many promises, I think the mistakes many of them do is to promise unreachable things. When they are not able to achieve what they promise people get disappointing and don't trust them anymore. 
I haven't thought about becoming a politician but I think I'm too young and I don't have enough experience to be able to do a good work as a politician.